If you need to return or exchange a product for any reason, we're happy to help! Please contact us at with your order number, and reason for return, and we will process the request for you. You can return your product for another item or a refund of the item to the original payment method if return is requested within the 45 day return/exchange period.
Please note the following:
- Please contact us to process your request before shipping your return back to us.
- Returns and Exchanges must be processed within 45 days of the order date.
- Upon receipt and inspection of returned product, we will issue a refund of the item to the original payment method or process your exchange as requested.
- Customer is responsible for shipping the product(s) back to Brand Junkie.
- If you are requesting an exchange, ship your item back to Brand Junkie and upon receipt, we will refund the cost of the original item and you may place a new order for the exchange requested.
- Returned items must have no visible signs of wear or use.
Online ordering is currently paused while we set up for the new year.